Crop Detail

Tobacco (Nicotiana spp.) is an important cash crop. It is raised for its leaves which are used as cured product. It is smoked as pipe, cigar, cigarette or hookah, and also used as snuff or chewed as a liquid in various forms. India ranks third in the world tobacco production and second in the flue-cured tobacco exports. It earns about Rs 577 crore by way of excise revenue and Rs 112 crores as foreign exchange. Besides, it also provides an employment to about 56 lacs of people annually in its cultivation, curing, grading, factories and cottage industries. It also produces nicotine sulphate which is used as an insecticide. Tobacco seed contains 5-38% nicotine free oil. It is used in making soap and colors. Its cake is used as a cattle feed. Cake contains 3% N, 30-35% crude protein and 20-27% carbohydrates. Some species of tobacco are also utilized as an ornamental plant.

Major/Minor Major
Temporary/Permanent Temporary
Category Agriculture Extension
Type Crops
Crop Climate Title Sub Tropical
Crop Water Method Title Irrigated
Crop Duration Annual
Crop Economic Title Cash Crop
Crop Growing Season Rabi / Winter / Cold Crops

Pests, Weeds, Diseases and Disorders

Sucking Pests
Wild Boar Cut worm aphids thrips worms BUD WORM
Another plant Drowth in Buds Tobacco Suckers
Fungal Diseases
Yellow Rust Tobacco Mosaic Virus Stem Rot
Root damages

Tobacco Crop Seed Varieties

Name Seed Rate
WHITE PATTA -1.4 Kg/acre
FLUE-CURE VIRGINIA 1.0 to 1.5 gm seed per 10 sq.meter
K399 .
NC95 .

Tobacco Districts Wise Calendar

Tele Farming Call Center, Project of Agriculture Extension ...


Agriculture Department KP
Directorate of Agriculture Extension
Opposite Islamia College Gate No 1
Jamrud Road Peshawar

091-9224239 , 03481117070

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