Crop Detail

Sorghum is a genus of flowering plants in the grass family Poaceae, which includes about 25 species. Some of these species have grown as cereals for human consumption and some in pastures for animals. Sorghum is usually grown as an annual, harvested after one growing season and can grow to a height of 4 m (13 ft). Sorghum may also be referred to as broomcorn and may have been cultivated from wild ancestors in Ethiopia.

Major/Minor Major
Temporary/Permanent Temporary
Category Agriculture Extension
Type Crops
Crop Climate Title Tropical
Crop Water Method Title Irrigated
Crop Duration Annual
Crop Economic Title Food Crop
Crop Growing Season Kharif / Rainy / Monsoon Crops

Pests, Weeds, Diseases and Disorders

Sucking Pests
Sorghum shoot fly Ear head caterpillar Sorghum Midge Sparrows and parrot Stem borer Insect attack cutworm
Fungal Diseases
Anthracnose Downy Mildew Rust Ergot

Sorghum Crop Seed Varieties

Name Seed Rate
JS-2002 70-80/hec for fodder while 20-25 kg/hec for grain
JS-263 70-80/hec for fodder while 20-25 kg/hec for grain
JAWAR-2011 70-80/hec for fodder while 20-25 kg/hec for grain
DS-75 Short season,
PAK SS-2 Full season, dual purpose, stay green
GHIZA-3 Short season, dual purpose drought tolerant variet
DS-97 Short season, stay green, dual purpose drought tol
YSS-98 Full and Early season, stay green, dual purpose dr
DS-2003 Short season, dual purpose drought tolerant variet
JOHAR Short season, stay green dual purpose drought to
JOWAR 86 Late sowing

Sorghum Districts Wise Calendar

Tele Farming Call Center, Project of Agriculture Extension ...


Agriculture Extension
Directorate of Agriculture Extension
Opposite Islamia College Gate No 1
Jamrud Road Peshawar

091-9224239 , 03481117070

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