Crop Detail

Muskmelon (Cucumis melo L.) is native to Iran and is also called “Cantaloupe” is a creeping cucurbit, originated from Iran and Pakistan and is produced in Kashmir and Afghanistan also. Being a member of Cucurbit family muskmelon is known as a vegetable although horticulturists claim that it considered a fruit. It has a lot of medicinal values and is used as a tonic, laxative and diuretic. Muskmelon is good source of vitamins A, B and C and improves the urinary discharge. Its seed are also used in cases of liver and kidney troubles, throat burning, thirst and chronic fever.

Major/Minor Major
Temporary/Permanent Temporary
Category Agriculture Extension
Type Fruits
Crop Climate Title Sub Tropical
Crop Water Method Title Irrigated
Crop Duration Seasonal
Crop Economic Title Food Crop
Crop Growing Season Kharif / Rainy / Monsoon Crops

Pests, Weeds, Diseases and Disorders

Sucking Pests
Leaf Miner Thrips Aphid Fruit Fly Slugs Cut Worm Wild Boar Red Beetles Grasshopper
Fungal Diseases
Powdery Mildew Anthracnose Downy Mildew Sudden wilt Damping off
Viral Diseases
Dasheen Mosaic Virus (DMV)
Flower drop Stunted growth
Narrow and Broadleaf

Muskmelon Crop Seed Varieties

Name Seed Rate
Local seed 1kg/acre
Hybrid 300-400gram/acre

Muskmelon Districts Wise Calendar

Tele Farming Call Center, Project of Agriculture Extension ...


Agriculture Department KP
Directorate of Agriculture Extension
Opposite Islamia College Gate No 1
Jamrud Road Peshawar

091-9224239 , 03481117070

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