Crop Detail

Peach (prunus persica) is the most important among the stone fruit and is sub-tropical or temperate in nature. It is considered the native of China and probably developed in Persia. It is traditional crop of Northern area of Pakistan and occupies the area of 4543 hectares with the production of 48284 tonnes. Quettea, Peshawar, Swat valley and certain parts of Kohistan hills are the main growing area of peach. It is delicious in taste and attractive in flavor and aroma. It contains 10-14 % sugar, 2 % protein and rich in ascorbic acid. Vitamins A and B besides iron, phosphorus and calcium.

Major/Minor Major
Temporary/Permanent Permanent
Category Agriculture Extension
Type Fruits
Crop Climate Title Sub Tropical
Crop Water Method Title Irrigated
Crop Duration Perennial
Crop Economic Title Food Crop
Crop Growing Season Kharif / Rainy / Monsoon Crops

Pests, Weeds, Diseases and Disorders

Sucking Pests
Flea beetle Peach leaf curl aphid Black Aphid Fruit Fly methylugnal OR Trichlorofune OR depthrex spray peach hoppers Snails Scale Nematodes FRUIT BORER Termites Phytophtra roort rot Mites or trips Thrips
Fungal Diseases
Powdery Mildew Brown Rot peach leaf curl fruit spots Nematode attack Short hole leaf yellow spots Pythoptra Root Rot of Crown Rot Die back gummosis
Bacterial Diseases
Bacterial Leaf Spot Bacterial canker & Gummosis
Gummosis Hail storm damage
Urgent spray mix weeds in nursery

Peach Crop Seed Varieties

Name Seed Rate
EARLY GRAND 120-140 Plants/ acre
FLORIDA KING 120-140 Plants/ acre
SWAT 1-8 120-140 Plants/ acre
ALBERTA 120-140 Plants/ acre
SOWANI 120-140 Plants/ acre
CORONET 120-140 Plants/ acre
FLORIDA STAR 120-140 Plants/ acre
TEXAS 120-140 Plants/ acre

Peach Districts Wise Calendar

Tele Farming Call Center, Project of Agriculture Extension ...


Agriculture Department KP
Directorate of Agriculture Extension
Opposite Islamia College Gate No 1
Jamrud Road Peshawar

091-9224239 , 03481117070

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