Crop Detail

It is very popular crop in the world and commercially grown in most countries. It is a perennial and deciduous woody climbing vine. It is a good source of vitamin B and minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, and iron. Grapes are used for raw eating and are used for making various products such as jelly, jam, raisins, vinegar, juice, seed oil and grape seed extracts. Grape farming is mainly done in France, USA, Turkey, South Africa, China, Portugal, Argentina, Iran, Italy, and Chile. Among these China is the largest country doing grape farming. It also has health benefits such as it is used to control diabetes, relieves from asthma, heart issues, constipation, bone health etc. It is also useful for skin and hair health related issues.

Major/Minor Major
Temporary/Permanent Permanent
Category Agriculture Extension
Type Fruits
Crop Climate Title Temperate
Crop Water Method Title Rain-fed
Crop Duration Perennial
Crop Economic Title Food Crop
Crop Growing Season Rabi / Winter / Cold Crops

Pests, Weeds, Diseases and Disorders

Sucking Pests
Thrips Flea beetle Leaf Roller Yellow and red wasp Wild Boar Termites leaf caterpillar The grape leaf hopper Vine Hawkmoth Caterpillar meal bugs
Fungal Diseases
Powdery Mildew Anthracnose Downy Mildew Root knot wilting fungal disease on floral part. bunch rot
Bacterial Diseases
Crown Gall
Fruit falling off

Grapes Crop Seed Varieties

Name Seed Rate
SUNDAR KHANI No of plant per acre = 260 to 435
KING’S RUBY SEEDLESS No of plant per acre = 260 to 435
ASKARI No of plant per acre = 260 to 435
HUSSAINI No of plant per acre = 260 to 435
BLACK PRINCE No of plant per acre = 260 to 435
WHITE SEEDLESS No of plant per acre = 260 to 435
EARLY WHITE No of plant per acre = 260 to 435
NARC BLACK SEEDLESS No of plant per acre = 260 to 435
CARDINAL SEEDLESS No of plant per acre = 260 to 435
THOMPSON SEEDLESS No of plant per acre = 260 to 435
AUTUMN ROYAL GRAPES No of plant per acre = 260 to 435
PERLETTE SEEDLESS No of plant per acre = 260 to 435
VITRO BLACK No of plant per acre = 260 to 435
SULTANIA C SEEDLESS No of plant per acre = 260 to 435
FLAME SEEDLESS No of plant per acre = 260 to 435
RED GLOBE SEEDLESS No of plant per acre = 260 to 435
MUSCATIL No of plant per acre = 260 to 435
CRIMSON SEEDLESS No of plant per acre = 260 to 435

Grapes Districts Wise Calendar

Tele Farming Call Center, Project of Agriculture Extension ...


Agriculture Department KP
Directorate of Agriculture Extension
Opposite Islamia College Gate No 1
Jamrud Road Peshawar

091-9224239 , 03481117070

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