Tea Detail

Crop Detail Tea (Camellia Sinensis L.) is used as common beverage in almost all over the world. Pakistan has a long tradition in tea drinking which has become a favorite source of entertainment in the society. The per capita consumption is one kilogram. Pakistan imports all its tea requirements from abroad and, thus, the total annual import of tea was 2,60,000m. tons in 2000 which costed about Rs. 12.0 billion to the national exchequer. Presently, Pakistan is the second largest importer of tea after United Kingdom. Demand for tea is growing day by day and in the wake of high growth rate of population (3.1% annually). |
Major/Minor | Major |
Temporary/Permanent | Temporary |
Category | Agriculture Extension |
Type | Crops |
Crop Climate Title | Tropical |
Crop Water Method Title | Irrigated |
Crop Duration | Perennial |
Crop Economic Title | Cash Crop |
Crop Growing Season | Kharif / Rainy / Monsoon Crops |
Pests, Weeds, Diseases and Disorders
Tea Crop Seed Varieties
Name | Seed Rate |
Tea Districts Wise Calendar
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