Office Name Office Address Office Phone No Office Fax No Office Detail
Office Of The District Director Agriculture Extension Manshera Office Of The District Director Agriculture Extension Manshera 0997300647 0997301749 Office Of The District Director Agriculture Extension Manshera

District Market Rates

CategoryItemZameendar Bazar PriceRetail PriceMarket PriceFarmer Price
FruitsApricotRs. 0Rs. 200Rs. 0Rs. 0
FruitsBananaRs. 0Rs. 150Rs. 0Rs. 0
FruitsLemonRs. 0Rs. 450Rs. 0Rs. 0
FruitsMangoRs. 0Rs. 150Rs. 0Rs. 0
FruitsPeachRs. 0Rs. 150Rs. 0Rs. 0
FruitsPlumsRs. 0Rs. 200Rs. 0Rs. 0
FruitsWatermelonRs. 0Rs. 70Rs. 0Rs. 0
VegetablesBitter gourd Rs. 0Rs. 100Rs. 0Rs. 0
VegetablesBrinjalRs. 0Rs. 120Rs. 0Rs. 0
VegetablesCabbageRs. 0Rs. 120Rs. 0Rs. 0
VegetablesCapsicumRs. 0Rs. 140Rs. 0Rs. 0
VegetablesCarrotRs. 0Rs. 100Rs. 0Rs. 0
VegetablesCauliflowerRs. 0Rs. 120Rs. 0Rs. 0
VegetablesColocassiaRs. 0Rs. 170Rs. 0Rs. 0
VegetablesCucumberRs. 0Rs. 60Rs. 0Rs. 0
VegetablesFrench BeansRs. 0Rs. 240Rs. 0Rs. 0
VegetablesGarlicRs. 0Rs. 380Rs. 0Rs. 0
VegetablesGingerRs. 0Rs. 740Rs. 0Rs. 0
VegetablesOkraRs. 0Rs. 150Rs. 0Rs. 0
VegetablesOnionRs. 0Rs. 100Rs. 0Rs. 0
VegetablesPotato (Red)Rs. 0Rs. 80Rs. 0Rs. 0
VegetablesPumpkinRs. 0Rs. 140Rs. 0Rs. 0
VegetablesSquashRs. 0Rs. 120Rs. 0Rs. 0
VegetablesTomatoRs. 0Rs. 70Rs. 0Rs. 0
VegetablesTurnipRs. 0Rs. 100Rs. 0Rs. 0

Tele Farming Call Center, Project of Agriculture Extension ...


Agriculture Extension
Directorate of Agriculture Extension
Opposite Islamia College Gate No 1
Jamrud Road Peshawar

091-9224239 , 03481117070

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