Office Name Office Address Office Phone No Office Fax No Office Detail
Office of agriculture extension, Kohistan Office of agriculture extension, Kohistan 0998407074 (+00)-(000)-0000000 Office of agriculture extension, Kohistan

District Market Rates

CategoryItemZameendar Bazar PriceRetail PriceMarket PriceFarmer Price
FruitsAlmondRs. 0Rs. 1500Rs. 0Rs. 0
FruitsAppleRs. 0Rs. 385Rs. 0Rs. 0
FruitsApricotRs. 0Rs. 265Rs. 0Rs. 0
FruitsBananaRs. 0Rs. 165Rs. 0Rs. 0
FruitsLemonRs. 0Rs. 560Rs. 0Rs. 0
FruitsMangoRs. 0Rs. 175Rs. 0Rs. 0
FruitsWalnutRs. 0Rs. 500Rs. 0Rs. 0
FruitsWatermelonRs. 0Rs. 105Rs. 0Rs. 0
VegetablesBitter gourd Rs. 0Rs. 135Rs. 0Rs. 0
VegetablesBrinjalRs. 0Rs. 165Rs. 0Rs. 0
VegetablesCabbageRs. 0Rs. 165Rs. 0Rs. 0
VegetablesCapsicumRs. 0Rs. 175Rs. 0Rs. 0
VegetablesCarrotRs. 0Rs. 125Rs. 0Rs. 0
VegetablesCauliflowerRs. 0Rs. 175Rs. 0Rs. 0
VegetablesCucumberRs. 0Rs. 95Rs. 0Rs. 0
VegetablesFrench BeansRs. 0Rs. 205Rs. 0Rs. 0
VegetablesGarlicRs. 0Rs. 508Rs. 0Rs. 0
VegetablesGingerRs. 0Rs. 740Rs. 0Rs. 0
VegetablesOkraRs. 0Rs. 145Rs. 0Rs. 0
VegetablesOnionRs. 0Rs. 135Rs. 0Rs. 0
VegetablesPotato (Red)Rs. 0Rs. 125Rs. 0Rs. 0
VegetablesRidge gourdRs. 0Rs. 225Rs. 0Rs. 0
VegetablesSquashRs. 0Rs. 125Rs. 0Rs. 0
VegetablesTomatoRs. 0Rs. 135Rs. 0Rs. 0
VegetablesTurnipRs. 0Rs. 115Rs. 0Rs. 0

Tele Farming Call Center, Project of Agriculture Extension ...


Agriculture Extension
Directorate of Agriculture Extension
Opposite Islamia College Gate No 1
Jamrud Road Peshawar

091-9224239 , 03481117070

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